Check-In/Check Out
Check-in/Check-out is an intervention for children and adolescents in grades K-12 who exhibit behavior problems at school. It consists of check-ins with the same adult at the beginning and end of the school day as well as check-ins with teachers at the beginning and end of class or at designated times throughout the day.
Good Behavior Game
The Good-Behavior Game involves dividing a group of students (either an entire classroom or small groups) into two teams that compete against each other. Both teams are given a list of rules to “not do” and criteria, which must be met to receive a reward. During the game session, the facilitator will tally the number of times a team violates one of the rules. At the end of the game session, the team with the least number of tallies wins and is given the reward.
Choice Making
Choice Making is a school-based, Tier 2 or Tier 3 behavior intervention that can be used with students from K-12. This intervention targets students who are capable of engaging in a task, but are choosing not to do so. This intervention includes allowing the student to make a task selection, or choosing the order in which tasks are to be completed.
Positive Peer Reports
PPR is Tier 1, or class-wide, positive behavior support. It targets students who are socially isolated, seek peer interaction, and/or attention in negative ways. PPR rewards students for publicly reinforcing peers positive behavior, and involves explicitly teaching, modeling, and rewarding classmates for providing compliments to targeted students.
Daily Behavior Report Card
The Daily Behavior Report Card is a rating form used to reinforce target behaviors, provide feedback to students, and increase home-school communication. It documents student progress, monitors the effectiveness of an intervention, and can be used as a component of an intervention.
Response Cards
Response Cards are a school-based, Tier 2, class-wide behavioral intervention that can be implemented with students from kindergarten to 12th grade. It provides all students with cards to respond to prompts given by the teacher. Students write down their responses, display them, and are given positive praise or corrective feedback based on their response.
Self-management is an intervention that can be used with K-12 students in various settings. This intervention aims to improve behavior by making children more aware of their own behavior. When using self-management, students monitor and evaluate their own behavior. They can also incorporate goal setting and self-charting into the intervention.
Color Wheel
Color wheel is an intervention that can be used with K-12 students. It was designed for classroom use but can be adapted for use in other settings. The color wheel has three colors and children learn different sets of behavioral expectations based on the colors. Activities are assigned to the different colors and students learn behavioral expectations based on the color on the color wheel.
Differential Reinforcement
Differential reinforcement of incompatible or alternative behavior is an intervention that can be used with children of any age in any setting. It consists of replacing an undesirable behavior with a more appropriate behavior that fills the same need for the child; by positively reinforcing the alternative behavior and ignoring the problem behavior.