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*Graduate Student Collaborators


*Nygaard, M. A., Renshaw, T., Ormiston, H. E., & *Matthews, A. (2024). Factors shaping a proactive plan of care for student mental health. School Mental Health, 16(1), 253-266.


Ormiston, H. E., *Carlock, K., & *Nygaard, M. A. (2024). Examining the implementation of school mental health services: A qualitative analysis of school principals’ perspectives. School Mental Health, 16(1), 277-290. 09637-x


Ormiston, H. E., Husmann, P., *Ruark, C., Wikel, K., Reisinger, D., & Curtin, M. (2024). An exploratory study examining educators’ perspectives of the reentry to school following hospitalization. Continuity in Education, 5(1), 31–49.


*Nygaard, M. A., Ormiston, H. E., & *Enderle, H. (2024). Examining the classroom impact of the Bounce Back trauma intervention: Implications for selecting progress monitoring tools. Assessment for Effective Intervention. Advanced online publication.


*Nygaard, M. A., Ormiston, H. E., Renshaw, T., *Carlock, K, & *Komer, J. (2024). School mental health care coordination practices: A mixed methods study. Children & Youth Services Review. Advanced online publication.


*Nygaard, M. A., Ormiston, H. E., & *Heck, O. C. (2023). Supporting teachers and students via the Teacher-Student Mental Health Interaction Model. Research and Practice in the Schools, 10(1), 14-30.


*Carlock, K., *Nygaard, M. A., & Ormiston, H. E. (2023). School principals’ perceived barriers to the normalization of school mental health services: A mixed methods investigation. School Mental Health, 15, 940-954.


*Nygaard, M. A., Renshaw, T., Ormiston, H. E., *Komer, J., & *Matthews, A. (2023). Importance, quality, and engagement: School mental health providers’ perceptions regarding transition care coordination practices. School Psychology. Advanced online publication.


Ormiston, H. E., & Renshaw, T. (2023). Student demographics as predictors of risk placements via universal behavioral screening. School Mental Health.


Zakszeski, B., Ormiston, H. E., *Nygaard, M. A., & *Carlock, K. (2023). Informant discrepancies in universal screening as a function of student and teacher characteristics. School Psychology Review. Advanced online publication.


*Heck, O. C., Ormiston, H. E., & Husmann, P. (2023). Utilizing KAP in schools: An evaluation of educators’ and staff knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to trauma. Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma.


*Asomani-Adem, A., Ormiston, H. E., & *Nygaard, M. A. (2022). Educator perspectives of a university-school partnership for mental health. School-University Partnerships, 15(3), 3-15


*Nygaard, M. A., & Ormiston, H. E. (2022). An exploratory study examining student social, academic, and emotional behavior across school transitions. School Psychology Review. Advanced online publication.


*Nygaard, M. A., Ormiston, H. E., *Heck, O. C., *Apgar, S., *Wood, M. (2022). Educator perspectives on mental health supports at the primary level. Early Childhood Education Journal. Advanced online publication. 


Ormiston, H. E., *Nygaard, M. A., & *Apgar, S. (2022). A systematic review of secondary traumatic stress and compassion fatigue in teachers. School Mental Health, 14, 802-817. 


Ormiston, H. E., *Nygaard, M. A., *Heck, O. C., *Wood, M., *Rodriguez, N., *Maze, M., *Asomani-Adem, A. A., *Ingmire, K., *Burgess, B., & Shriberg, D. (2021). Educator perspectives on mental health resources and practices in their school. Psychology in the Schools, 58(11), 2148-2174.


Ormiston, H. E., *Nygaard, M. A., & *Heck, O. C. (2020). The role of school psychologists in the implementation of trauma-informed multi-tiered systems of support in schools. Journal of Applied School Psychology, 37(4), 319-351.




*Nygaard, M. A., Ormiston, H. E., & Husmann, P. (under review). Students with intensive    mental health needs: What is the role of schools? Children & Youth Services Review.


*Nygaard, M. A., Ormiston, H. E., & Husmann, P. (under review). Barriers that interfere with the delivery of intensive school mental health services. Journal of Rural Mental Health.​


*Nygaard, M. A., Renshaw, T., Ormiston, H. E., & *Matthews, A. (under review). A mixed    methods investigation of school mental health provider views on a proactive plan of care to    meet intensive student mental health needs at schools. School Mental Health. 


Ormiston, H. E., *Nygaard, M. A., & Husmann, P. (under review). Intensive school-based    mental health practices within a multi-tiered system of support: A mixed methods    investigation of the state of the field. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental    Health Services Research.


Ormiston, H. E., & Renshaw, T. (under review). Do student demographics predict self-report screening outcomes for adolescents? School Psychology. â€‹â€‹


Ormiston, H. E., Zakszeski, B., & Renshaw, T. (in preparation). Examining the stability of the Social, Academic, and Emotional Behavior Risk Screener-Teacher Report. Journal of School Psychology.



Ormiston, H. E., *Heck, O. C., & *Nygaard, M. A. (2023, March). An Examination of Socioemotional Risk for Students in Special Education. Poster presentation at the Council for Exceptional Children annual conference, Louisville, KY.


*Ruark, C., Ormiston, H. E., *Heck, O. C., & *Nygaard, M. A. (2023, March). Supporting Teachers and Students: Shifting from Self-Contained to General Education. Poster presentation at the Council for Exceptional Children annual conference, Louisville, KY.


Gopaul-Knights, K., & Ormiston, H. E. (2023, February). Using Mental Health Screening Data to Provide Evidence-Based Interventions. Practitioner conversation at the National Association of School Psychologists annual convention, Denver, CO.


Ormiston, H. E., Renshaw, T., & *Carlock, K. (2023, February). An Examination of Teacher-Rated Socioemotional Risk by Student Characteristics. Paper presentation at the National Association of School Psychologists annual convention, Denver, CO.


*Apgar, S., *Nygaard, M. A., & Ormiston, H. E. (2022, February). A Systematic Review of Secondary Traumatic Stress in Teachers. Paper Presentation at the National Association of School Psychologists 2022 Convention. Boston, Massachusetts.


*Carlock, K. M., *Nygaard, M. A., & Ormiston, H. E. (2022, February). Understanding Principals' Perceptions of School-Based Mental Health Implementation. Paper Presentation at the National Association of School Psychologists 2022 Convention. Boston, Massachusetts.


*Nygaard, M. A. & Ormiston, H. E. (2022, February). Examining Student Functioning Across School Transitions: Implications for Coordinating Care. Paper Presentation at the National Association of School Psychologists 2022 Convention. Boston, Massachusetts.


*Nygaard, M. A. & Ormiston, H. E. (2022, February). Promoting Teacher Involvement in the Bounce Back Trauma Intervention. Paper Presentation at the National Association of School Psychologists 2022 Convention. Boston, Massachusetts.


Ormiston, H. E., *Nygaard, M. A., & *Heck, O. C. (2022, February). The Teacher-Student Mental Health Interaction Model: Supporting Students and Teachers. Paper Presentation at the National Association of School Psychologists 2022 Convention. Boston, Massachusetts.


Ormiston, H. E., *Heck, O. C., & *Nygaard, M. A. (2022, February). School Psychologists' Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices of Trauma-Informed MTSS. Paper Presentation at the National Association of School Psychologists 2022 Convention. Boston, Massachusetts.


*Nygaard, M. A. & Ormiston, H. E. (2022, January). Including Teachers in the Bounce Back Trauma Intervention: Skills for Supporting Students. Multi-Presentation Session as part of the session titled, Trauma Informed Pedagogy and Mental Health Models at the Council for Exceptional Children 2022 Convention & Expo. Orlando, Florida.


*Nygaard, M. A., & Ormiston, H. E. (2022, January). The Teacher-Student Mental Health Interaction Model: Strategies for Supporting Mental Health. Multi-Presentation Session as part of the session titled, Trauma Informed Pedagogy and Mental Health Models at the Council for Exceptional Children 2022 Convention & Expo. Orlando, Florida.


*Nygaard, M. A., Ormiston, H. E., & Drapeau, C. W. (2021, February). A Systematic Review of School Transitions' Impact on Suicidal Ideation. On-Demand Session Paper Presentation at the National Association of School Psychologists 2021 Convention.


*Nygaard, M. A., Ormiston, H. E., & *Heck, O. C. (2021, February). Implementing Trauma-Informed Multi-Tiered Systems of Support: Our Role. On-Demand Session Paper Presentation at the National Association of School Psychologists 2021 Convention.


Ormiston, H. E., & *Asomani-Adem, A. A. (2020, February). The TIMS Project: University-school collaboration to implement MTSS. Paper presented at the National Association of School Psychologists 2020 convention. Baltimore, Maryland.


*Heck, O., *Komer, J., & Ormiston, H. E. (2022). Incorporating Student Self-Report for Progress Monitoring: Tapping Into Their Expertise. Communiqué, 51(3), 1, 30-33. 


Ormiston, H. E., Guttman-Lapin, D., & Shriberg, D. (2021). Social Justice as a framework for addressing mental health disparities. Communique (0164775X), 49(5), 14–16.



Cox, E. (2020, December 13). R-BB Boosts mental health. The Herald-Times. supports-for-students/116000684/


Puckett, G. (Host). (2019, December 5). Richland Bean Blossom Super Chat Podcast. [Audio podcast episode]. In The Fly Pod.


Viscione, C., & Knowles, A. (Hosts). (2022, September 29). Partnering Strategically and Effectively with Dr. Heather Ormiston and Greg Hickey. [Audio podcast episode]. In In Progress. National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments. 


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