TARGET: Trauma Affect Regulation -
Guide for Education and Therapy
By Jack Komer, 12/2021.
What is TARGET?
TARGET is a strengths-based approach to education and therapy for survivors of physical, sexual, psychological, and emotional trauma. TARGET teaches a set of seven skills that can be used by trauma survivors to regulate extreme emotional states, manage intrusive trauma memories, promote self-efficacy, and achieve lasting recovery from trauma.
Components of TARGET (NCTSN, 2012)
Emotion Regulation
Trauma Processing
Relational Repair
Evidence of Bounce Back Effectiveness (NCTSN, 2012)
Clinical Trials with Controlled Groups:
Ford, J. D., & Hawke, J. (2012). Trauma affect regulation psychoeducation group and milieu intervention
outcomes in juvenile detention facilities. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 21(4). 365-384.
DOI:10.1080/10926771.2012.673538 -
Marrow, M., Knudsen, K., Olafson, E., & Bucher, S. (2012). The value of implementing TARGET within a
trauma-informed juvenile justice setting. Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma, 5, 257-270
Randomized, Controlled Trials:
Frisman, L. K., Ford, J. D., Lin, H., Mallon, S., & Chang, R. (2008). Outcomes of trauma treatment using the
TARGET model. Journal of Groups in Addiction and Recovery, 3, 285-303. -
Ford, J. D., Steinberg, K., & Zhang, W. (2011). A randomized clinical trial comparing affect regulation and
social problem-solving psychotherapies for mothers with victimization-related PTSD. Behavior Therapy, 42,
561-578. -
Ford, J. D., Steinberg, K., Hawke, J., Levine, J., & Zhang, W. (2012). Randomized trial comparison of
emotion regulation and relational psychotherapies for PTSD with girls involved in delinquency. Journal of
Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 41, 27-37. DOI: 10.1080/15374416.2012.632343
Ford, J. D., & Hawke, J. (2012). Trauma affect regulation psychoeducation group and milieu intervention outcomes in juvenile detention facilities. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 21(4). 365-384. DOI:10.1080/10926771.2012.673538
Ford, J. D., Steinberg, K., Hawke, J., Levine, J., & Zhang, W. (2012). Randomized trial comparison of emotion regulation and relational psychotherapies for PTSD with girls involved in delinquency. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 41, 27-37. DOI: 10.1080/15374416.2012.632343
Ford, J. D., Steinberg, K., & Zhang, W. (2011). A randomized clinical trial comparing affect regulation and social problem-solving psychotherapies for mothers with victimization-related PTSD. Behavior Therapy, 42, 561-578.
Frisman, L. K., Ford, J. D., Lin, H., Mallon, S., & Chang, R. (2008). Outcomes of trauma treatment using the TARGET model. Journal of Groups in Addiction and Recovery, 3, 285-303.
Marrow, M., Knudsen, K., Olafson, E., & Bucher, S. (2012). The value of implementing TARGET within a trauma-informed juvenile justice setting. Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma, 5, 257-270.
NCSTN. (2017). TARGET: Trauma Affect Regulation: Guide for Education and Therapy [Fact sheet].